You don't understand that most people are not ideologues like you. They simply want to get on with their lives. They don't care much about politics. If someone in office isn't doing just what they want, they try somebody else. That somebody else almost always lets them down, so the next time around, they change them again. I wonder if you'll ever realize this.
Yeah, some Repubs will be vulnerable, but Liberalism is dead, and there will be two years of putting Senate Dems in very, very tight spots, and further exposing of Obama's leftism.
A two-vote majority in the Senate and a few more seats in the House means "liberalism is dead?" What in the hell have you been smoking?
Beyond Hillary, Dems have no bench, unless you consider that imbecile Biden to be a viable candidate.

Hillary Clinton, whether you like it or not, is the most-respected woman in the world. She has near-universal recognition. My Republican spouse says she will vote for her, the first thing we've agreed on politically in a while. She can and will run from the center, while the R's have no one at all who isn't slightly to the left of Mussolini and would fool no one if they tried to run from the center. You seem to forget it's not hard R's or hard D's who elect a president but the undecided, and any candidate with half a brain runs from the center. But the Tea Party won't allow anyone in the Republican Party to rise to prominence without their approval, and they're hard right shmucks who don't live in the real world.
The GOP has no chance against Hillary. You know it quite well, though you wouldn't admit it for the promise of 20 Rolls-Royces, which you could sell if you didn't want to drive them.